Friday, August 21, 2020

Te Whānau

Whānau Learning

Tū mai e moko. Te whakaata o ō mātua. Te moko o ō tīpuna.
Stand strong, O moko. The reflection of your parents.
The blueprint of your ancestors.

This whakataukī guides the principles, the Kaupapa whakahaere, 
of our guiding curriculum Te Whāriki.

The principles are 
Whakamana- Empowerment
Kotahitanga-Holistic development
Whānau tangata- Family and community
Ngā hononga- Relationships

In this time of learning together at home, thank you for nurturing these principles with your tamariki. 

Thank you for sharing- here is a snapshot of whānau learning.

So good to see you all!
Ollie is ready to go. He's called the Roll!

Birds, birds everywhere!    

Bird making

Nest making
Bird Feeders! 

Can you find a Rimu tree?

We went on a Rimu tree hunt. The first tree we found had the wrong type of leaves - they were round not spiky - and the berries weren't red… Dad thought he'd found one, but I told him the tree wasn't right… We are pretty sure there is a Rimu tree just down the road from my Nana's house.

Play is your work- so busy and creative!

Exploring Groups of Ten

or groups of six because Isla is 6!

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