Reading in Whanau Koru
Kia Ora,
We thought we would follow up after our Meet the Teacher evening last week. The teaching of reading in all its various forms has not changed. Instructional reading groups are an integral part of any reading programme and complement other teaching decisions about reading in class. Our foremost goal is to encourage the love and joy of books and reading-if we can do that we are well on the way to growing life-long learners.
Just like every year, a classroom reading programme does not get into full swing until Week 6. This is when instructional groups begin. Your child will be reading instructional texts with the teacher which have been chosen specifically to support your child's learning at the time.
Prior to this, teachers are getting to know the children in their class, working alongside them listening, observing, talking, reading and writing with them. The professional teaching term for this is formative assessment. This allows us to gauge interests, motivations and skills of children and plan accordingly. Instructional whole class reading is happening every day at this stage alongside daily Phonics. If your child was at school last year, your teacher will be working with them to assess the right starting point for them this year and will be building up familiar reading texts for them to access in class over this time.
Just a reminder about books coming home:
Children may choose a book they would like to read or have someone read to them. They may however decide not to bring a book home.
If your child does choose a book to bring home, spend some time talking about what is happening in the story and enjoy it, have fun with it. You may need to read it with them or to them and that is great. It may be an instructional text but often it will be a book that they have really enjoyed reading and want to share with you.
Please be assured that teachers are encouraging children to choose a favourite book to bring home. We know that whether they choose one or decide not to, you will be reading your wonderful stories at home with them at night.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to talk to your child's teacher.
Thank you and kindest regards, Whanau Koru teachers.
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